

米克尔·阿尔特塔希望在周日下午的英超冠军争夺战中得到他的老主帅大卫·莫耶斯的帮助。与米克尔的另一位前同事佩普·瓜迪奥拉对决,莫耶斯的西汉姆联队可以帮助我们如果他们能从曼城身上拿分并且击败埃弗顿,我们就能获得 20 年来的第一个联赛冠军。周五在首霸地产训练中心举行的赛前新闻发布会上,米克尔被问及本周是否与莫耶斯交谈过”,他在埃弗顿效力。“不,我不认为我需要这样做,但他在我的职业生涯中发挥了重要作用,非常重要,不仅作为一名足球运动员,而且作为一个人,”他解释道。 “他可以帮助我们实现我们的梦想和我个人的梦想,赢得英超联赛。 ” 曼城是赢得比赛的热门球队,但最后一天对于瓜迪奥拉的球队来说并不总是一帆风顺,众所周知,他们在伤停补时阶段打进了两个进球才击败了女王公园巡游者队, 2012 年从曼彻斯特对手手中夺取奖杯。

2021/22赛季,曼城在阿提哈德球场以0-2落后的情况下以3-2击败阿斯顿维拉,在最后一天以一分优势击败利物浦夺得冠军。“击败任何对手真的很难在英超联赛中,当某些事情也处于危险之中时,这项任务就会变得更加困难,”米克尔补充道。 “这不在我们的控制范围内,这是肯定的。“我们都知道他们更接近了,因为少了一场比赛,而且他们必须在主场比赛,但他们将对阵一个非常强大的对手。我们这个赛季(对阵西汉姆联)遭遇了困难,在过去的几个赛季里,击败他们真的很困难。我相信他们会非常擅长,并希望他们能帮助我们实现梦想。“这个行业的美妙之处在于,你会遇到与你生活中有过经历的人,这对于我们来说非常重要。你个人,现在你需要从他们那里得到一些东西。希望这会发生。”阅读米克尔赛前新闻发布会上的每一句话

Mikel Arteta feels the simple fact that the Premier League trophy will be at Emirates Stadium on the final day of the season means everyone involved with the club has to believe we can still be crowned champions.We go into matchweek 38 two points behind Manchester City and hoping they drop points against West Ham United. If they do, then a win against Everton would see us leapfrog the holders at the last possible moment and get our hands on the ultimate prize.And with league officials confirming identical trophies will be at both our home and the Etihad Stadium ready to be presented to whichever club is victorious, Mikel is adamant that while anything is possible, we have to keep fighting until the final second of the campaign to ensure the one with red ribbons is unveiled on Sunday eveningRevealing his mindset, he said: “It’s one of the biggest weeks for many of us, and certainly now is the most important moment. I’m really excited and can't wait for Sunday to be in front of us, and I’m very optimistic with the possible outcome.“We are in the last day of the season playing for the Premier League. The Premier League trophy hasn't been at Emirates Stadium and that was built almost 20 years ago, so that's a long, long time. So yes, we have to be very optimistic. We have to do our duties, and then we have to wait and see what happens.“We have to do our job which is going to be tough because Everton are in a really good moment, so we're going have to prove again that we can be better than the opponent and win the game. Then we have to wish for the best and for West Ham to have a really good day and help us to fulfil our dream.”For us, the goal is simple - we have to beat the Toffees to have any chance of clinching the championship, which still might not be good enough if Mikel’s friend and rival Pep Guardiola steers his City side to a win against the Hammers.Mikel was asked whether he wanted to be kept up to date with the scoreline at the Etihad Stadium, and if so how? That drew a wry smile from the boss.“I think by 60,000 people?” he laughed. "Plus all the staff, assistant coaches, their families behind their phones, so I think that's enough!“The atmosphere will be different. I lived it as a player a few times and you just have to focus on what you have to do. You understand with certain reactions what is happening, but stick to focusing on what we have to do.“The only thing that we have discussed is giving ourselves the opportunity to live a beautiful day on Sunday where the dream is still alive. Once we are there, we just have to live the moment and play like every single week and understand that for that dream to happen, we have to win. Then we have to hope again for West Ham to help us to achieve that dream.”No team in 35 years has started the final day of an English top-flight season second in the table on the final day and gone on to win the league, but the last time to do so was ourselves famously in 1989.While it has never happened in 10 instances since the creation of the Premier League, Mikel again opted to remain positive, with a smile.“That's not going to change you mean? It's a probability - if something happens, then it’s more probable that something else can happen. Let’s wish that is the case.”

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