

随着 2023/24 赛季的夕阳西下,注意力现在转向另一个忙碌的夏天,距离 2024/25 赛季还有不到三个月的时间。我们已经收集了一些您想要的日记中的关键日期请注意在接下来的几周和几个月内。5 月 24 日星期五阿森纳女足 v A 联赛女子全明星队我们将在墨尔本漫威体育场举行一场友谊赛,结束我们的女子赛季。这场表演赛将让我们前往澳大利亚,作为墨尔本全球足球周的一部分。继去年在该国成功举办女足世界杯之后,这将为我们的澳大利亚支持者提供绝佳的机会来观看我们球员的比赛。 .购买门票5 月 31 日星期五2025 年女子欧洲杯预选赛开始

2025 年女子欧洲杯预选赛还有四个比赛日。这些比赛将于:

6 月 14 日星期五英超联赛和 EFL 转会窗口打开,2024 年欧洲杯开始

今年夏天,俱乐部可以在6月14日星期五至8月30日星期五之间招募球员。英超联赛和EFL转会窗口的开启与2024年欧洲杯在德国开幕的同一天。24个国家将争夺欧洲冠军联赛的冠军。第 17 届锦标赛,揭幕战晚上 8 点(英国夏令时)德国将主场迎战苏格兰,凯·哈弗茨 (Kai Havertz) 希望参加比赛。可能参加锦标赛的还有 Bukayo Saka、Aaron Ramsdale、Declan Rice、Jakub Kiwior、Oleksandr Zinchenko、David Raya、Jorginho、Leandro Trossard、William Saliba。6 月 18 日星期二英超 2024/25 赛程公布在德国比赛期间,这些球员以及米克尔·阿尔特塔队的其他球员都将热衷于查看我们即将到来的赛季的赛程表。我们的赛程表将于上午 9 点(英国夏令时)发布,但我们已经知道,本赛季将包括 33 个周末、四轮周中比赛和一个银行假日比赛周.6 月 20 日星期四2024 年美洲杯开幕

今年的美洲杯在美国举行,有 16 支美洲球队争夺冠军。阿根廷是目前的卫冕冠军,已经 15 次夺冠,他们将于 6 月 20 日星期四对阵加拿大在亚特兰大。入选巴西队后,加布里埃尔和加布里埃尔·马蒂内利希望在巴西队尝到成功的滋味。6 月 24 日星期一WSL 转会窗口打开WSL 俱乐部可以在今年夏天于 6 月 24 日星期一至星期五之间签下球员,9 月 13 日。7 月 13 日星期六博勒姆伍德对阵阿森纳 XI

阿森纳十一人将在曼加塔佩英国体育场举行季前友谊赛,对阵博勒姆伍德。开球时间为下午 3 点,有关支持者如何观看比赛的信息将在适当的时候公布。7 月 14 日星期日 2024 年欧洲杯和美洲杯决赛2024 年欧洲杯和 2024 年美洲杯均在同一天结束,决出大陆赛事的冠军。欧洲杯决赛将在柏林奥林匹克体育场举行晚上 8 点(英国夏令时),美洲杯表演将在迈阿密硬石体育场举行。7 月 24 日星期三2024 年夏季奥运会足球比赛开始

奥运会将在法国举行,男子和女子比赛将于 7 月 24 日星期三至 8 月 10 日星期六举行。男子代表队仅限 23 岁以下球员,最多允许 3 名超龄球员,而女子比赛没有年龄限制。7 月 27 日星期六阿森纳对阵曼联

我们的 2024 年美国巡回赛在洛杉矶 SoFi 体育场对阵曼联,为 2024/25 赛季的准备工作拉开帷幕。上赛季我们在美国本土交锋,可容纳 80,000 人的新泽西州大都会人寿体育场门票全部售空.购买门票7 月 31 日星期三阿森纳对阵利物浦

季前赛将于本月底在费城林肯金融球场继续对阵利物浦。这将是我们第一次在美国交手,这对米克尔和球队来说是一次强有力的考验。继续备战英超赛季。购买门票8 月 10 日星期六2024 年夏季奥运会足球比赛结束2024 年夏季奥运会女子决赛将于 8 月 10 日星期六在巴黎王子公园球场举行,男子决赛一天后在同一地点举行。8 月 17 日星期六英超联赛 2024/25 赛季开始

从 2023/24 赛季结束后 90 天开始,我们将向下赛季发起进攻,力求比之前的两次第二名更进一步。8 月 30 日星期五英超转会窗口关闭随着 8 月的到来结论是,英超和EFL俱乐部必须确保所有转会业务在晚上11点(英国夏令时)之前完成。从那时起,俱乐部将无法招募球员,直到元旦冬季转会窗口打开9 月 13 日星期五WSL 转会窗口关闭对于 WSL 俱乐部,国内交易窗口于晚上 11 点关闭,国际交易窗口于午夜关闭。9 月 21 日星期六WSL 2024/25 赛季开始

在女足超级联赛中连续获得第三名后,我们的目标是在下赛季缩小与曼城和切尔西的差距。新赛季的开始是在女足金牌决赛 42 天后奥运会宣传活动。

Having witnessed the goals going in, clean sheets kept, wins racking up and us battling for the biggest prizes, it is easy to conclude the 2023/24 campaign was enjoyable to be a Gooner.However, having been running the rule over Mikel Arteta's team all season long, Adrian Clarke is well-placed to give his verdict on why we were so impressive, which might not be so obvious to the untrained eye.Here are the nine factors he felt were instrumental in our excellent form last term:Best defence in EuropeOur off-the-ball work in 2023/24 was by far the most robust it has been under Mikel Arteta, and it helped us earn the division’s best defensive record. Conceding just 29 goals (and only 13 away from home) we reduced our goals against tally by around a third from the previous campaign.Protecting our goalkeeper superbly, David Raya was comfortably the Premier League’s least busy number one. Conceding chances worth just 28.3 expected goals, we actually delivered the lowest mark across Europe’s top five leagues.Since the start of 2024, we also kept 11 clean sheets in 18 games, averaging an astonishingly low 0.65 expected goals against per match.Why were we so good in this department? We defended from the front with enthusiasm, Declan Rice’s arrival certainly added a fresh layer of protection inside the engine room, and it was useful to start with a consistent back four too.William Saliba featured for all 3,420 minutes of the campaign, and for around 80% of 2023/24 he had Gabriel to his left, and Ben White to his right. Having such a settled back line, with three of the four virtual ever-presents, provided valuable stability. In open play, our record was simply remarkable, letting in one goal every two matches.Stealing the ball highUsually led by our captain Martin Odegaard, the Gunners’ pressing was superbly coordinated right across the whole season. Displaying a real appetite to hunt down opposition defenders, the team worked exceptionally hard to create turnovers in advanced areas of the pitch, presenting us with so many bonus opportunities to score goals. Playing out from the back against Arteta’s side was fraught with danger: Saka steps up a gearThe excellence of Odegaard, Rice, Gabriel and Saliba should not overshadow what has been another season of improvement from Bukayo Saka. Our two-time Player of the Season produced his best campaign yet, delivering a string of top displays and important contributions.In almost every match our style of play was set up to feed the ball consistently to the right-hand side, isolating Saka in 1v1s against full-backs. On average 41% of our attacks were funnelled down the right wing, and this made him such a key player.Saka often found himself double-marked by two opponents, but it never fazed him, as the 23-year-old matched his record of 25 direct goal contributions in the Premier League (16 goals, 9 assists). As you can see below, Saka – who enjoyed more touches inside the box than any other player in the division - took his attacking output up a level:A young, settled XIDespite experiencing the rigours of Champions League football, Arteta resisted the temptation to heavily rotate his side. In fact, Crystal Palace were the only side to make fewer changes to their starting XI, with the manager showing great trust and faith in his talented young players.It should also be noted that our starting XI was the third youngest in the Premier League; a sign of real promise as we look to improve again next term.Dead ball delightLed by innovative set-piece coach Nicolas Jover, we matched a Premier League record for the most goals scored from corners (16). The quality of deliveries from Odegaard, Saka and Rice were superb, with inswinging near post corner routines by far our most successful ploy. As a side containing many six-foot-plus players, we now have an aura at corner kicks that strikes fear into the opposition’s minds.Overall, we led the way in the Premier League with 20 set-piece goals. These made a tremendous difference and helped us reach 89 points from 38 games.Starting and finishing stronglyNo one scored more Premier League goals than us inside the opening 20 minutes, as we habitually raced into early leads. Our 17-4 goal difference during that key tone-setting period set us on our way to several important victories.We also finished matches exceptionally strong. Liverpool were the only team to plunder more injury-time strikes than us, with two of our goals beyond the 90th minute turning out to be winners.Arteta’s second-half replacements played their part from the bench on numerous occasions. Leandro Trossard scored against Chelsea, Liverpool, and Brighton as a sub, with many other bench players contributing too. Overall, our subs scored 12 goals and made eight assists.Our late winner at home to Manchester City involved three substitutes combining, with Takehiro Tomiyasu and Kai Havertz setting up Gabriel Martinelli for a famous strike.Running machinesAllied to our impressive starts and finishes to games is the work ethic of this side. In 36 of our 38 Premier League matches, we outran the opposition, which is a statistic that outlines how fit Arteta and his staff have got the players.Working hard for each other, in and out of possession, only two sides covered more ground across the entire campaign:Pleasingly, two of our star players also featured in the top five for individuals and distance ran. Rice and Odegaard are not just super talented, but they also both work relentlessly for the team:A constantly evolving sideThe record books will show that Arteta used his favoured 4-3-3 formation in all 38 matches, but the fluidity of his side’s shape is its hallmark. Throughout the season we saw players interchanging positions, in and out of possession, and it made us extremely difficult to play against.Key personnel also found themselves changing roles too. Rice began the campaign as our defensive midfield lynchpin, but for much of the season he revelled in a box-to-box left midfield position instead, driving the team forward in inspirational fashion. Scoring seven goals and making eight assists, Rice proved he is tailor-made for that type of role.Another new signing, Havertz, evolved during the campaign. He began as a left-sided midfielder but across the second half of 2023/24 the German was truly outstanding as a mobile, target man centre-forward. Pressing brilliantly, displaying clever movement, and holding the ball up extremely well for others, Havertz’s positional switch had a transformational effect on the team and his own game, and a record of nine goals and six assists in his last 14 matches shows it was a switch that paid off.Captain fantasticThere are a lot of players who should feel proud of their performances and individual development, and skipper Odegaard is certainly among those.On and off the ball he took great responsibility, leading by example with his skilful and wholehearted displays. The Norwegian also walks away from 2023/24 knowing he was the Premier League’s most creative player, laying on 88 chances in open play.This was a magnificent campaign from the Norwegian, who just about shaded it for my Player of the Season. 
