NewsWhy 特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德在 2023-24 赛季的经历之后将会变得更加强大。 特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德相信他在2023-24赛季的个人经历只会让他在未来变得更加强大。

NewsWhy 特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德在 2023-24 赛季的经历之后将会变得更加强大。 特伦特·亚历山大-阿诺德相信他在2023-24赛季的个人经历只会让他在未来变得更加强大。

这位利物浦副队长因伤缺席了本赛季的大部分比赛,出场次数仅限于 37 次,这是自 2017-18 赛季以来的最低出场次数。 但在磨合中及时恢复后,亚历山大-阿诺德带着更大的欣赏感和决心回来了。

He said: "Of course it's never nice to be injured. You want to play as many games as you can and help the team, but sometimes these things happen. "It was a tough time, it was one that taught me to be patient and a time that was difficult. It's never nice for any player to be injured but it just makes you stronger, appreciate the times when you're fit and able to play games."Alexander-Arnold's absence gave others opportunities to shine in the right-back spot, ones which were duly grasped by Conor Bradley and the versatile Joe Gomez. "You just want people to step up and help the team win games," the No.66 continued. "Conor did really well throughout that time to be able to step in and do really well. "Of course Joe Gomez as well, who was exceptional over the course of the season. Both of them have been really good."Jürgen Klopp's final season in charge of Liverpool saw development, silverware in the form of the Carabao Cup, and improvement with a third-placed finish in the Premier League. While naturally disappointed at not having more to show from the term, Alexander-Arnold has drawn plenty of encouragement from it. He added: "It was a good season, built on last season, got better as a team, challenged for the title, took it far and we improved. "Any time you improve means that it's a good season. Take the positives and move forward and hopefully again next season."

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