

英格兰男子精英联赛球队周五在克罗地亚赛斯韦特球场以 2-1 击败瑞典队,为克罗地亚之旅取得胜利。本月两场比赛中的第一场,本·福彻 (Ben Futcher) 的球队在威尔·阿尔维斯和戴恩·斯嘉丽各进一球就证明了这一点。 英格兰队很快就打破了僵局,阿尔维斯在11分钟后进球,帮助他在受伤一年多后重返国家队。这位莱斯特城球员从禁区外瞄准,选择了上角,将他的球队撞在了前面。瑞典队也不是没有机会,凯兰·凯西被迫在蒂姆·普里卡和雅各布之前解围。翁德雷卡尝试了一次远射,从远处吊射杰德·沃德。对于英格兰来说幸运的是,两人都没有击中目标。

But England retained the majority of the possession to keep the lead at the break before interim head coach Futcher shuffled his pack with a number of substitutions early in the second half.And the Young Lions doubled their lead just shy of the hour mark, when captain Dane Scarlet scored from close range after shielding off a number of challenges in the box.Deniz Gul pulled a goal back for the Swedes with a minute remaining but England were able to hold onto their lead and secure victory.England: 1 Jed Ward (Bristol Rovers), 2 Kellen Fisher (Norwich City), 5 Ben Nelson (Leicester City), 7 Abu Kamara (Norwich City), 8 Jobe Bellingham (Sunderland), 9 Dane Scarlett (Tottenham Hotspur) ©, 10 George Earthy (West Ham United), 14 Kaelan Casey (West Ham United), 16 Noel Buck (New England Revolution), 18 William Alves (Leicester City), 23 Ben Chrisene (Aston Villa)Substitutes: 4 Samuel Braybrooke (Leicester City) for Buck 50, 17 Martial Godo (Fulham) for Alves 50, 6 Charlie Hughes (Wigan Athletic) for Bellingham 55, 15 Bradley Hills (Norwich City) for Nelson 55, 3 Archie Brown (K.A.A. Gent) for Casey 55, 21 Alex Matos (Chelsea) for Chrisene 55, 20 Romain Esse (Millwall) for Fisher 65, 19 Bailey-Tye Cadamarteri (Sheffield Wednesday) for Earthy 65, 12 Roman Dixon (Everton) for Scarlett 65, 11 Benico Baker-Boaiter (Brighton & Hove Albion) for Kamara 65Substitutes not used: 13 Tommy Simkin (Stoke City), 22 Tommy Setford (Ajax), 23 Ben Cisse (West Bromwich Albion)Interim head coach: Ben FutcherGoals: William Alves 11, Dane Scarlett 59

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