亚当·沃顿 (Adam Wharton) 从容应对欧洲杯“奖金”征召

亚当·沃顿 (Adam Wharton) 从容应对欧洲杯“奖金”征召

亚当·沃顿谈到了他被征召入英格兰队参加 2024 年欧洲杯的事情,三狮军团正在德国继续备战世界杯。这位水晶宫中场球员被加雷斯·索斯盖特列入欧洲杯初始训练阵容上个月,他在赛季后半段在塞尔赫斯特公园的表现给人留下了深刻的印象。在赛前倒数第二场比赛中,英格兰队在圣詹姆斯公园队战胜波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那队的比赛中首次亮相,这位20岁的球员-奥尔德做了足够的努力,确保了他在最终 26 人阵容中的位置。“这是一种超现实的感觉,”他承认,英格兰队本周早些时候抵达德国后在德国进行了第二次训练。 “为了在最高舞台上做你喜欢的事情,你无法击败它。

"Honestly, I wasn't really expecting it. I'd obviously only just gone into the Premier League, so I wasn't expecting anything and it was more sort of a bonus if I did get in, so I'm delighted."Wharton’s ascent to the senior squad has been rapid, having previously been capped at MU19 level and starting the current season with the men’s Elite League Squad before he was a late addition to the MU21s squad in March.But following his move to Palace in January from hometown club Blackburn Rovers, where he’d established himself as one of the Championship’s brightest young talents, he now finds himself in a major tournament with focus on Sunday’s opener against Serbia."It's gone really fast,” he added. “I've really enjoyed the last six months and I just want to keep playing football and get better."There's some unbelievable players here, and the manager picks the team and if I'm chose to play then I'm more than ready. But whoever is on the pitch will step up and perform to get the result we need."It's just a dream come true. Every kid who grows up playing football wants to play in the Premier League and play for their country.

"I got to play for the team that I supported [Blackburn], and I really enjoyed that, and then it's just continued into the Premier League and now here."It's all been very fast but I wouldn't want it any other way."Wharton’s debut saw him become the only midfielder to attempt more than 30 passes on debut for the Three Lions with a 100 per cent accuracy since Opta began their detailed passing data.But the Blackburn-born playmaker reveals he rarely focuses too much on his previous displays – preferring to focus on the future."I thought I did well, but for me it was just another football match," he said. "I've been playing football my whole life so it's just another game to try my best and I thought I did alright.

"I never really look at my performances and think 'oh, it's amazing' as there's always certain bits that you can improve on but for me, I was just happy to make my debut and play the way I did but there's always room for improvement."His call-up has also seen a great deal of pride for his family, who he says have all played their part in his upbringing and development."I think they were probably happier than I was when I shared the news, especially my parents," he revealed. "They were delighted for me and proud of how far I've come in such a short period of time."They've been massive for me, I've got two brothers who I grew up with, both older, so playing with them in the garden when they probably beat me up a few times - that all helps getting used to the physical side of the game."We're a sporty family and very supportive and that definitely helped me growing up and then continuing to support me even when I've not been playing in the youth set up. "I wouldn't be here without them."
