奥利·沃特金斯 (Ollie Watkins) 很高兴首次亮相锦标赛

奥利·沃特金斯 (Ollie Watkins) 很高兴首次亮相锦标赛

奥利·沃特金斯很高兴在周四首次亮相重大赛事202年欧洲杯对阵丹麦的比赛4。阿斯顿维拉前锋下半场替补上场,差点让三狮军团领先,但最终被淘汰丹麦队的进球被卡斯帕·舒梅切尔挡出。沃特金斯赞扬了英格兰对手的韧性,并强调他们在赛季前两场比赛中保持不败是一个积极的结果。他说:“这是一种很棒的气氛,我喜欢每一分钟我都喜欢在后面跑动,给防守者带来一些麻烦,但这对我们来说很困难,因为他们的后防线并不好。 “现在又得一分,两场不败。”"Another point and unbeaten in two now."

Captain Harry Kane had given England the lead after 18 minutes before Morten Hjulmand struck back with a long-range effort before half time.Watkins added: "Sometimes you've got to hold your hands up. I was sat behind it on the bench and it was a great strike, fair play. We played well at times and so did they, the main thing is that we're still unbeaten."We're England and people want to beat us so they're going to make it very difficult for us. We can't just steamroller teams four or five because we've got world-class players, it's not going to be that easy."
