卢克·肖渴望在 2024 年欧洲杯上继续发挥影响力

卢克·肖渴望在 2024 年欧洲杯上继续发挥影响力


"It was really nice to get on, I've been itching to get some minutes. Now I feel fit and ready to go."I was excited to be involved but I wasn't thinking too much. My priority was to come on and help us win that game. The last two wins have brought us together even more and build the resilience. The togetherness is even more now than it has been. Now I want another opportunity."Shaw is grateful to the Three Lions' coaching and medical staff, who have nurtured him back into a position where he is ready to play.The 28 year old heaped particular praise upon boss Gareth Southgate, who took charge of his 100th game as senior team boss at the weekend.

He said: "We as players love him. He's exactly what we need and he always puts the players first so we're able to go out on the pitch and always do our best. "I've got a lot to thank him for because he showed a lot of faith in me when he didn't have to. Now I need to repay the faith. I think he is one of the best man-managers. It's massive and it's clear as day to me why we have such togetherness in the squad. It helps us dig deep in these games."The manager, Steve Holland and the medical staff have been amazing with me and I have a lot to thank them for. The motivation was to help England and to get back playing. I believed we had a good opportunity and we would get far. It was always about getting fit and helping the team as much as I can. I'm feeling really good."

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