

在明天晚上对阵女王公园的季前友谊赛之前,尼古拉斯·库恩表示他和他的队友们已经迫不及待地出发了,因为冠军队已经进入季前赛一场比赛了。博伊队战平 1-周五晚上在萨默塞特公园与斯科特·布朗的艾尔联队交锋,布伦丹·罗杰斯在比赛的大部分时间里派出了一支年轻的凯尔特人队。库恩在明天比赛前接受媒体采访时表示,凯尔特人队对即将到来的挑战感到兴奋“能休息一段时间很好,但我们都很高兴能回来,”他说。 “现在我们开始关注下赛季。


Last season saw the Hoopsclinch a league and Scottish Cup double, with both successes sparking joyous celebrations amongst the Celtic faithful.That winning feeling is something the German winger is eager to experience again, and he says that Brendan Rodgers’ side is targeting even more silverware in the season ahead.“The celebrations were unbelievable, even better than I expected.” he said. “And of course, if you experience it once, then you want more of it.”“For the team, it’s going to be the same targets as last season.“We ended the season in good shape. It was about winning the trophies. That’s what we did and now we’re focusing on next season.”Kuhn also spoke about his relationship with Brendan Rodgers and praised the Celtic manager for his role in guiding the Celts to victory last season.He added: “He helps a lot. When there was a lot of pressure, he stayed calm. He was the role model and believed in what we were doing.“In the end we showed that the plan was the right one.”Celtic's pre-season friendly against the Spiders tomorrow night is available exclusively on Celtic TV.
